Plantation seeds


Plantation seeds



BANGALORE – 560 004

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Botanical name ONLY SEEDS

1. Acacia Mangium [Australian teak]

2. Acacia Springvale

3. Acacia Cracicarpa

4. Acacia Auriculiformis

5. Acacia Nilotica [Babul]

6. Areca Palm seeds [Wet & Dry]

7. Acacia Catechu

8. Acacia Farnesiana

9. Acacia Lucopholea

10. Acacia Consinna [Seekakai]

11. Acacia Holosirisa Seeds

12. Acrocarpus Fraxanifolis [Pink sedar]

13. Aegle Marmelos

14. Adiantaria Pavanica

15. Albizzia Richardiana

16. Albizzia Lebbeck

17. Albizzia Odertissima

18. Annona Squomosa [Custered apple – seetaphal]

19. Bahunia Parpura

20. Bahunia Verighata

21. Bahunia Rasmosa

22. Bahunia Temantosa

23. Bambusa Arundinesia [Big bamboo]

24. Butia Monosperma [Palas] Modoga

25. Bomax Cebia [Silk cotton tree]

26. Casurina. Equestifolia

27. Cassia Siamia

28. Cassia Nadosa

29. Cassia Grandis

30. Cassia Spectabalus

31. Cassia Allata

32. Cassia Javanica

33. Cassia Fistula [Rela]

34. Cassia Gluca

35. Callistemon Viminals [Bottle Brush]

36. Dalbergia Latifolia [Rose wood]

37. Dalbergia Sissoo

38. Delonix Regia [Gul mohar]

39. Emblica. Officinals [Nelli]

40. Eucalyptus Hybrid

41. Eucalyptus Commandalasis

42. Eucalyptus Pilleta

43. Eucalyptus Citridora

44. Eucalyptus Tetricornis

45. Erithrina Indica Seeds

46. Feroniume Lephantam [wood apple]

47. Ficus Religiosa

48. Ficus Recimosa

49. Ficus Bengalisis

50. Ficus Krishna

51. Gliricidia Muculata

52. Gmelina Arboria

53. Guava Seeds

54. Holoptelea Integrifolia

55. Jakaranda [pods & pure seeds]

56. Jatroba Carcus [Bio-fuel seeds]

57. Kiggelia Pinnate [Pure Seeds]

58. Leusiana Lucocephala [Subabul ]

59. Legestromia [pads & pure seeds]

60. Muringa [Drum stick seeds] plant & tree

61. Melia Dubia [Malbar neem]

62. Melia Azedarach

63. Melia Bokain

64. Mimusops Elengi [Bogoda]

65. Michelia Champaka

66. Mimosa Invisa – Pudica – Pods – Seeds.

67. Pterocarpus Santalnus [Red sandel ]Rakta chandan

68. Pterocarpus Marsapium

69. Parkia Bingadolsia

70. Pongamia Pinneta

71. Parkinsonia Aculata

72. Peltophorm

73. Parijatha Seeds

74. Pithecellobium Dulce [Madras thorn]

75. Prosophis Juliflora

76. Royal Palm

77. Santalum Album [White Sandal / Chandan]

78. Silver Oak [Grevellia Robusta]

79. Samanea Saman [Rain Tree]

80. Sapinduse Marginatus [Soap Nut]

81. Sterculia Alata & Sterculia Foteda &. Sterculia Urens

82. Swetenia Mahagony

83. Sesbenia Grandiflora [Agatia]

84. Simaruba Gluca

85. Spethodia Seeds

86. Tecoma Stans

87. Tamarindus Indica [Emilii]

88. Tectonia Grandis [TEAK]

89. Terminelia Arjuna

90. Terminelia Bellirica

91. Terminelia Catappa

92. Terminelia Chebula

93. Tabubia Avalande

94. Tabubia Rosea

95. Tabubia Arjencia

96. Tesposia Populina [Pods & Pure Seeds]

97. Thivetia Nerofolia

98. Caesalpiana Pulcherma Seeds

99. Dendracalamus Stictus

100. Pithecellobium Dulce. [Madras Thorn]

101. Caesalpiana Crista

102. Hedge Lucerne [Kudarai Masala]

103. Elephant [Grass Seed]

104. Stylo Hameta [Grass Seed]

105. Stylo Scabra [Grass Seed]

106. Terminalia Mantaly


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Vendor Information

  • Store Name: Plantations Seeds Suppliers
  • Vendor: Plantations Seeds Suppliers
  • Address: 29, Rangappa Street
    Bengaluru 560004
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